Yes sir and Yes Ma'am
I have been wanting to try Hugo for a bit now so I finally decided to give it a try. The security aspect of not having a lot of surface area where vulnerabilities can be lurking is very appealing as well as just having a quick, responsive website.
So, this will be my personal website where I will ramble about various things, mostly what I am studying. Currently, I am studying for the Microsoft MS900. Also, I want to be well acquainted with the CompTIA A+ material but am not sure if I am going to actually take the tests. It might suffice to just be able to pass 7 or 8 practice tests.
We will see.
I would like this site to evolve into me giving real value by throwing down some serious tutorial wisdom. That will come in time. Right now I am going to talk about what I am studying and the projects I have undertaken, successfully or unsuccessfully.
Now let’s see what this looks like when it’s actually up!